blogs i love.
- Flutter Flutter – Fun DIYs, several with kids in mind.
- One Pearl Button – Simple, stylish DIYs that make a big impact.
- Say Yes to Hoboken – Creative DIYs, tinted mason jars, need I say more?
- The Purl Bee – A great resource for patterns and little projects, especially those that involve fabric or yarn.
- Wit & Whistle – Stylishly quirky paper designs and intriguing diy ideas.
- Making it Lovely – This blogger writes about a little bit about everything and inspires with lists!
- Smile and Wave – A lifestyle blog with an emphasis on style.
- You Are My Fave – A blogger with a great aesthetic and incredible wit. A very fun read.
- Undeniable Style – Okay, sure we’re related. But c’mon, what’s not to love?! Personal style + ramblings of an SF city girl. Also, she designed this blog.
- Kendi Everyday – Great personal style and she makes it look so easy.
- The Sweetest Occasion – Style when it comes to entertaining.
bay area & california love.