41/52 + 42/52

by Lila on October 23, 2014

The 52 Project - 41/52“A portrait of my baby boy, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Fall has swooped in like a whirlwind. Time is being blown by even faster as I fill our days with seasonal trips to pumpkin patches and family getaways. I love the cool crisp air and spiced cider. Can’t wait to sit in front of a crackling fire in the fireplace.

October 9, 2014: Had to get my little guy in his halloween costume as soon as possible, so we met up with our friends at Clancy’s to take a turn on the hayride and climb on piles of pumpkins. Cutest little lion I ever did see.

The 52 Project - 42/52October 14, 2014: One pumpkin patch just wasn’t enough, so we traveled over to Half Moon Bay the next week. He was happy to crawl and play amongst the rows and rows of big orange spheres. Magic to him.

Linking up with Jodi’s 52 Project



{joint birthday party} menu

by Lila on October 17, 2014

Birthday Menu - Tomato Tartlet{Heirloom tomato tartlet}

So I love food. Planing a party menu is often one of my favorite things; looking for recipes and deciding if they fit together. The hosts of this joint party know how to do food. Every bit was insanely delicious. Chris spent a couple years in cooking school, so that certainly doesn’t hurt. Kristin at one point planned to open her own little market. Needless to say, they know their grub.

The starters included these lovely heirloom tomato tartlets, unfilled potato crisps, and a gorgeous cheese plate served on a slate platter. They were easy foods to grab and eat, which was great given the large number of guests. Many of the mains were great grab-and-go items as well, like the assorted grilled sausages. Chris’s homemade bread was a show stopper. Every recipe is being added to my party index, too good to not be repeated.

Kristin’s thoughtful details added to the incredible menu. Given the large number of younger guests, she prepared a kids’ menu. Tasty mac n’ cheese, which I think ended up being enjoyed by adults and children alike, and pb & j squares were a hit with the itty bittys.

At the bar their were three signature cocktails, one for each guest of honor. In celebration of Chris, there was a big bottle of Maker’s Mark next to a bowl of giant square ice cubes. Kristin’s signature drink was a classic Greyhound, grapefruit juice and vodka. Not to be left out, Shea’s celebratory drink was homemade watermelon agua fresca.

Birthday Menu - Potato Skins{Potato crisps, without the filling}

Main Menu:

Heirloom tomato tartlet 
Assorted cheeses, olives, spicy tomato jam
Potato crisps (without the filling)

Tri-tip with homemade bread
Assorted grilled sausages
Grilled vegetables & Israeli couscous salad 
French potato salad 

Birthday Menu - Couscous Salad{Grilled vegetables & Israeli couscous salad}

Kids Menu:
Macaroni and cheese 
PB & J’s
Fruit salad

The food was incredible as was the thoughtfulness that went into every bite. Don’t be surprised if you see that couscous salad showing up at my baby’s birthday in the not-so-distant future. Yum!

Don’t miss the inspiration and paperless invites of this joint birthday bash!


{joint birthday party} paperless invites

by Lila on October 10, 2014

Paperless Post - Joint birthday party paperless invitationI answered with an emphatic yes when my friend Kristin asked if I would take a couple pictures of her family for their birthday invitation. Her idea was adorable; hold up a sign with the equation of their ages added together. It was their 75th birthday as a family after all. Witty and a winning photo, who could ask for more. Kristin also decided to go paperless, Paperless Post actually, super smart considering all the benefits.

I’m slightly addicted to paper, not very green of me. I still take notes on a old school notepad despite many attempts to use a more modern device. But I have to say, I think sending invites via email is pretty brilliant. You get stats on how many guests to expect, you don’t have to pay for the stamp (or the paper for that matter), and their are cuter and cuter online options available every time I turn around. I especially love the invites, like the one Kristin chose, that you can customize with a photo. Paperless Post has a great interface on the iPad and iPhone, attractive and easy to use. I also love that you can make the invitation appear as though it is coming out of an envelope as a nod to the snail mail tradition. You can find a couple of my favorite Paperless Post designs here, here, and here.

As far as the photo goes, I loved how the Lunny family portrait turned out. For the sign Kristin purchased chalkboard paper and I wrote out the equation on sight. I had brought a chalk pen, but was happier with the look of the basic, old-school white chalk. Holding up a sign is a great way to get a message across in an invite or seasonal card.

LunnyFamilyGrayson tagged along to help his best bud out. Doesn’t getting cuter than those two.

Grayson&ShaeFor more invitation ideas check out my pinterest board!



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by Lila on October 7, 2014

The 52 Project - 40/52“A portrait of my baby boy, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

October 5, 2014: He is ten months old. I can barely believe it. I was hiking around the neighborhood and saw two teenagers walking home from school. I had this flash of Grayson being that old, this realization that his will be that old at some point. The realization that I will be that parent of a babe that old. Crazy. But that is far in the future and I am just trying to soak these moments up one at a time.

Linking up with Jodi’s 52 Project


{joint birthday party} inspiration

by Lila on October 3, 2014

Joint Birthday Inspiration{clockwise from top 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

What do you do if your birthday is in the same month as your husband and your baby? Throw a giant, joint party! My dear friend Kristin is doing just that! As a family they are turning 75! It is a particularly special event because their baby girl is turning one! I love her ideas and am helping a little behind the scenes.

Creating a number out of photos is a great focal point for a party! We will be creating a 75 out of photos that span the lives of the three guests of honor. I’ll share the details on the process in a how-to post very soon!

Who doesn’t love paper lanterns? Kristin is creating some stunning pinwheels to mix in with them. They are going to look pretty amazing above the buffet!

One of my favorite parts of this joint birthday bash is the idea of having a signature cocktail for each of the three of them. That means Watermelon Agua Fresca for the babes and something else yummy for the grown-ups. Too cute.

A cake banner always adds a little something special, so I have to throw one of those in there.

Lastly, seeing as it is the little one’s first birthday, we have to put something special together for the girl’s high chair!

Can’t wait to share the details with you all! For more party ideas be sure to follow my pinterest boards!




by Lila on September 29, 2014

The 52 Project - 39/52“A portrait of my baby boy, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

September 23, 2014: We are back on the roller coaster ride. High highs and low lows. He is starting to look like a little boy. Those eyes catch me off guard sometimes, staring at me from across the room. So much love, even in the lows.

Linking up with Jodi’s 52 Project



{backyard movie night} the recap

by Lila on September 26, 2014

Backyard Movie PartySo the backyard movie night goes down in history as one of my mister’s favorite parties of all time. That is saying something. It was a great night. The food was all I had hoped it would be. Jeff and I had way too much fun at the market the morning of the party buying fancy hot dogs, huge bags of bread, fresh goat cheese, and farm fresh kraut. What could be better?

Backyard Movie Party - Mason Jar DrinksI learned something, mason jar cocktails are amazing. I bought the half-pint sized mason jars so guests would feel free to sample more than one. I took inspiration from online recipes and created our own, movie-themed beverages. Our guests voted and Back to the Future was selected as our feature film for the evening. Lightning Lime and Plutonium Peach seemed appropriate. The best part about these handcrafted cocktails is they can be and were made in advance, no last minute prep required. Like I said, amazing.

Backyard Movie Party - Mason Jar DrinksBackyard Movie Party - FoodBackyard Movie Party - Candy BarMovie snacks were a hit. Frozen Junior Mints, red vines, M&Ms, and this amazing twist on Cracker Jacks made for the perfect fistfuls of goodies for our backyard screening.

Backyard Movie Party - Candy BarBackyard Movie Party As afternoon became evening, everyone wrapped up in blankets, cozied down, and enjoyed the film. This is definitely not the last of our outdoor cinema. After having this party, I have a ton of ideas for the next one. Watch out, it can only get better from here!

Backyard Movie Party Don’t miss the rest of this celebrate series! See the inspiration here, the invite here, the recipes here, and what to wear here!



by Lila on September 22, 2014

The 52 Project - 38/52“A portrait of my baby boy, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

September 19, 2014: His independence is growing. It makes my heart ache, just a little. He sits and stares at the nature around him. Such a joyous and curious spirit. How does one cultivate these things? Bring them to life? Allow them to thrive in a world of, “Don’t put that in your mouth!” Figuring it out one day at a time….

Linking up with Jodi’s 52 Project

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{backyard movie night} what to wear

by Lila on September 19, 2014

What to wear - Backyard movie nightSo lately I have had the urge to purge. I have a vision of my closet, clear of all the items I don’t really wear, and filled with items I love and am excited to put on. This has been fed by the influx of beautiful clothes in my wardrobe thanks to my regular collaboration with Kate from Undeniable Style. I have to tell you that this chambray shirt is a new love of mine. Yes, I am awfully attached to button downs, but when Kate said, “You need a chambray shirt, it’s an essential.” I said, “Really? I thought you weren’t supposed to do jean on jean.”

What to wear - Backyard movie nightRegardless of what I thought I knew, this shirt can be worn with a plethora of items, is comfortable, and easy to nurse in. Gotta love it. The vest and the statement necklace also joined my style arsenal this go round. I’ve been wanting a statement necklace and was pumped to have this package arrive in the mail. Bauble Bar knows how to put together a pretty package! When declaring my excitement at the Backyard Movie Night party, my friend asked me what statement it was that my necklace was making. I paused and then over-confidently exclaimed, “BAM!”

What to wear - Backyard movie nightI always ask Kate to push me on my style purchases, help me reach for something I wouldn’t get on my own. This time it was the vest. I was unsure, wondering if I could pull it off. Was it too military? Then it arrived and I loved it. The reason to get somebody else in on the process of rebuilding one’s wardrobe is to find the things that you didn’t know you loved, right?

What to wear - Backyard movie nightWhat to wear - Backyard movie nightSo excited about these items! See what other fashion trends I’m vibing on my Pinterest board!

What to wear - Backyard movie night



by Lila on September 15, 2014

The 52 Project - 37/52“A portrait of my baby boy, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

September 9, 2014: My little adventure buddy. We traveled to a gorgeous pool and it ended up just being us for hours. The entire pool was ours. Spending time away, just us, no distractions was a luxury to be savored. It brought be back to what is important and allowed me to reveal in the little person you are growing into. What a beautiful day.

Linking up with Jodi’s 52 Project


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