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{joint birthday party} diy photo wall

by Lila on November 11, 2014

Party Decor DIYWhen it comes to party decor, I love something that has a personal touch. Photos often do the trick. Creating a diy photo wall allows you to showcase memories and create a giant focal point for the party. Even better when the pictures create a number or letter that is meaningful to the party’s theme. In this case since the party was honoring the collective family age of 75, it was only fitting that we create a giant 75 from photos spanning the history of the Lunny’s.

Party Decor DIYIt was so much fun going over to my dear friend’s house and helping her put this together. I felt honored to get a peek into their history. The 75 contained wedding photos, baby pictures, Shae’s sonogram. It was a gorgeous glimpse into how they have gotten to where they are today.

Big impact in simple steps.

Party Decor How ToStep 1: Tape off the numbers, letters, or shapes you want to fill with photos. Be sure what you create with tape is skinnier than what you want your finished product to be, overlapping the blue tape will make everything wider.

Step 2: Use mounting putty to adhere photos to your wall. Be sure to get putty that will not remove any paint. I recommend printing your photos with a white edge, it will showcase the overlap and make each photo stand out.

Step 3: Keep putting up photos. This does take some time so be sure to do it before the day of the event.

Step 4: Drink a glass of wine and take a minute to look at the photos you have so painstakingly put up. A sweet walk down memory lane.

Watch it happen - Party Decor How ToDon’t miss this party’s inspiration, invitations, and amazing food!

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